Field Notes

It’s so important to look beyond our own daily work, teams, organizations, and disciplines on a regular basis to get fresh perspective. The nonprofit sector is rich in its diversity of effort yet united by common challenges and opportunities, which is a perfect setup for shared learning. That’s why I try to tune into social media and sector publications every so often to stay current on conversations that are happening in the field. I’ve also started to share some of my observations over at LinkedIn, in posts called Nonprofit Notebook.

So far, this mini-series of posts includes reflections on Hunger and Nonprofits and Art and Nonprofits, drawing on how organizations are tackling these areas of work through their missions and in their own management and operations. It’s an exploratory space for sharing what I’m seeing, and I try to do so in a way that’s focused but also offers a bit of a twist. If you head over there to check it out, I hope you enjoy it—and if you have responses or recommendations for future topics, drop me a line.

Postscript: Before adding one more to the barrage of blogs (plethora of posts? myriad musings? lol) to choose from on sector matters, I often struggle with whether there’s ever anything really “new” to say. And in two decades of watching and reading as tech has made every device a publishing platform, I find that there’s a beauty and real value in the pattern of posts whose themes recur and refrain and circle back year after year, reminding us of the fundamentals of how to do this work well and refining or even redefining what that means. It’s in that spirit of weaving a larger collective story that I offer my voice.